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0034.6604 0034.5243 7010.7060.13 3404.2415.11 0034.5215 0034.5616.11 3404.2420.11 0034.5237 0034.5213 0034.5618.11 7100.1073.13 0034.5048 3402.0019.11 7010.9514.03 3404.2412.11 3422.0008.11 0034.5628.11 0034.6603 0034.5209 7010.9860.63 0034.5623.11 0034.5619.11 3404.0046.11 7010.3290 0034.5612.11 0034.6015 0034.5624.11 0034.5040 0034.2514 0034.1511 0034.5625.11 3402.0045.11 0034.5207 0034.5038 0034.5140 3413.0332.11 0034.5620.11 8020.0607 0034.6716 7022.0820 8020.5081 3402.0043.11 0034.3777 3403.0130.11 8020.5012 8020.5073.PT 3403.0020.11 3412.0115.11 7022.0640 3403.0282.11 3-101-056 0034.5244 0034.3768 0034.2513 8020.5020 8020.5011 0034.3425 3403.0266.11 0034.5131 7022.0580 0034.6721 0034.5604.11 0034.0903 0034.6045 3403.0116.11 0001.1012 0001.2531 7040.3160 7010.9850.63 7010.6400.13 0034.2521 0034.5621.11 3403.0014.11 0001.2535 0001.1033 3404.2326.11 3404.0044.11 0034.7120 0034.3430 0034.3418 3403.0120.11 0034.6050 0034.6032 0034.7214 0034.5233 0034.5227 3404.2463.11 0034.6703 3404.0011.11 3402.0015.11 3402.0044.11 0034.6048 0034.5037 7022.0660 7043.8220 7010.6420.13 0034.5217 0034.6035 0034.0906 0034.4214 0034.7109 7010.3420 3404.2324.11 0034.3421 3403.0117.11 7010.6340.13 0034.6042 0034.7117 0034.3426 7040.3170 7010.6440.13 0034.7116 3403.0275.11 0001.1030 7010.6320.13 7010.9790.63 0034.3411 3403.0276.11 0001.1024 7040.3150 0034.5204 0034.3109 0034.5228 3403.0279.11 0034.4227 7022.0630 7010.9820.63 0034.7204 7010.3430 0034.0909 0001.2505 7010.6310.13 0034.3424 8020.5017 0034.7107 0034.3780 3422.0013.11 3422.0045.11 0034.4224 7010.6390.13 7010.3270 7010.9840.63 7010.9870.63 3404.2472.11 0034.6020 0034.6717 3403.0011.11 0034.7118 3403.0285.11 0034.5114 0034.2525 7022.0750 3402.0011.11 0034.3416 8020.5082 0034.5046 8020.5022 3404.0019.11 0034.4228 0034.5630.11 0034.6711 0001.2526 7010.3240 0001.1026 7010.9770.63 7022.0880 0034.0911 3403.0277.11 0034.5125 0034.6012 0034.5042 0034.6051 0034.3885 7100.1059.13 0034.4215 0001.1034 0034.3414 3-110-085 3422.0048.11 3404.2314.11 0001.2538 3422.0011.11 3-103-113 7010.9911.03 7100.1113.13 0034.5143 3-103-125 7010.9904.03 3404.2309.11 3422.0009.11 0034.7210 3404.2327.11 0034.7213 7100.1015.13 0034.5611.11 7100.1013.13 3404.2321.11 7010.7040.13 0034.4211 3404.2464.11 3404.2325.11 7100.1070.13 7010.9912.03 0034.4240 0001.2523 7100.1011.13 7100.1171.13 7010.9907.03 7010.9914.03 3422.0010.11 3-103-129 7100.1014.13 7100.1120.13 7010.9915.03 0034.7205 7100.1121.13 7100.1175.13 3404.2323.11 0034.7216 7022.0800 0034.5224 0034.1007 7100.1019.13 0034.4239 7030.3250 3422.0015.11 3-103-105 0034.4248 0034.5614.11 0034.4252 7100.1117.13 3404.2320.11 3404.2346.11 0001.2537 0034.7222 0034.4244 3404.2468.11 7100.1111.13 7100.1109.13 0034.7123