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0031.8225 3101.0045 0031.3804 0751.0506 3101.0050 0031.8241 3101.0235 3101.0210 0031.8231 0031.3822 0031.1672 3101.0110 0031.7701.22 8040.0003 0031.1631 0031.1161 0031.7502 3101.0075 3101.0070 7091.6110 3101.0075.D2 0031.1401 0031.1402 0031.1406 0031.1407 0031.1657 0031.1677 0031.3751 0031.1687 0031.1714 0031.1752 0031.1809 0031.2002 0031.2011 0032.0702 0032.0704 0032.0706 0032.0802 0032.0804 0032.0806 0032.1002 0032.1003 0032.1004 0032.1005 0032.1008 0032.1009 0032.1010 0032.1013 0032.1014 0032.1019 0032.1020 0032.1103 0751.0505 0032.1104 0032.1106 0032.1107 0032.1108 0032.1111 0032.1112 0032.1113 0032.1117 0032.1118 0032.1119 0032.1120 0032.1121 0032.1127 0853.0066 3101.8013 7092.6150 7149.9017.01 7181.5001 8601.2010 8601.2020 0031.9883 0031.3521 0031.9827 0031.9848 0031.8231.15 0031.1693 0031.3901 0031.5001 0751.0507 0031.3803 0031.8263 0752.1243 0751.0099 0031.3981 0031.3577 0031.3903 3101.0015 0751.0100 8040.0001 0031.3581 0031.2203 3101.0030 0031.1081 0031.3571 7090.9020.03 3101.0010 3101.0035 0751.0142 0751.0141 0031.3824 0031.3501 0031.5101 0031.2201 0752.1242 8601.2005.08 0751.0042 0031.1351 0031.1694 3101.0055 3101.0031 0031.3601 0031.2500 0031.8002 0031.1623 3101.0115 8601.2005 0031.3558 3101.0120 3101.0020 0751.0501 0031.8222 0031.1755 0031.1765 0031.1803 0031.2308 31.9158 0031.8273 0031.2304 0031.1706 3101.0215 0031.1673 0031.5010 0031.3911 7090.9010.03 0031.8275 3101.0070.D2 0031.2101 3101.0025 0031.1801 8601.2001.08 0032.1126 0031.9826 0031.3551 0031.8001 0031.1681 0031.1653 0751.0502 3101.8011 0031.3553 31.9159 3101.0230 0031.2510 8601.2000 0031.2205 7170.0470 0031.1680 3101.0325 31.9156 0031.3583 7091.1510 0031.3991 0031.1361 3101.0071 31.9157 0031.2570 7093.0110 31.9162 0031.2520 0091.0001 0031.3823 0031.1754 0031.3752 3101.7511 3101.8012 0031.1092 0031.1165 3101.7012 0031.1091 0031.1756 3101.0060 3101.7021 0031.3502 0031.7505 3101.0331 3101.0036 0031.1761 3101.0336 0031.1757 0031.1363 0031.3703 0031.1071 0031.3584 0031.1901 0031.1762 3101.0225 3101.7521 3101.0011 0031.1751 3101.0320 0031.1381 0031.1907 0031.1766 0031.3913 3101.0125 0031.1659 0031.1383 0031.1753 7093.2510 0031.1758 0031.1353 3101.0220 0031.2307 3101.0315 0031.3701 0031.1001 0031.3753 0091.0002 0031.1085 0031.1185 0031.2560 3101.7011 0031.1804 0031.2550 0751.0500 31.916 0031.1764 0031.2207 0031.1622 0031.2303 3101.8511 31.9163 0031.1699 0031.8920 31.9161 7090.9010.55 7091.4270 7091.4240