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0AGU025.T 35415000029 23111600029 35814000029 23118000029 23121000409 35818000029 23113150029 23112500029 0473003.MRT1L 35408000029 35402000029 35412500029 23116300409 35813150029 35602000029 35608000029 38900600000 0266010.V 0473007.MRT1JL 0473007.HAT1L 0473.500YRT1L 0473004.YRT1L 0473001.HAT1L 047302.5MAT1L 0473005.HAT1L 0473007.PARJL 0273.600V 0473005.PARL 0473005.MRT1L 0278.062V 0473.750MRT1L 0473003.PARL 047302.5MRT1L 047301.5YRT1L 0473.750YRT1L 0473.500MRT1L 0473004.MRT1L 0473.375MRT1L 0473002.HAT1L 047303.5MRT1L 0473003.HAT1L 0473003.MXL 0473004.MAT1L 0473001.YRT1L 0473001.MAT1L 0318.500HXP 0473005.MAT1L 0473002.MAT1L 047302.5YRT1L 0473001.YAT1L 0473007.YAT1L 80813000000 0672.250MXEP 0218.160HXP 19302500001 0ATO010.V 0672.400DRT4P 0676.080MXEP 0676.100DRT4P 0675.125MXEP 0267003.VXT 0451.100MRL 0674.100DRT4P 0676.160DRT4P 0266001.V 0677.250MXEP 0677.400MXEP 0675.250DRT4P 0265010.V 0675.200MXEP 0266.375V 0673.125MXEP 0673.125DRT4P 0266003.V 0674.300DRT4P 0676.200MXEP 0672.100DRT4P 0266.250V 0267010.VXT 0266007.V 0675.200DRT4P 0265005.V 0673.100MXEP 0674.250DRT4P 0265.062V 0676.100MXEP 0451.250NRL 0267002.V 0267.250VXT 026502.5V 0267003.MRT1T 0267005.V 047302.5HAT1L 0677.250DRT4P 0673.250DRT4P 0675.100DRT4P 0267.250V 0324015.HXP 0675.125DRT4P 0263.062WRT1L 0673.300MXEP 0673.200MXEP 0267.375V 0267.125V 0453.100MR 0265.250V 0267.500V 0265.750V 0266004.V 0265002.V 0267001.V 0267.750V 0266.062V 0274.500V 0676.250DRT4P 0672.250DRT4P 0675.250MXEP 0673.400DRT4P 0674.125DRT4P 0675.400DRT4P 026701.5V 0675.100MXEP 0676.050DRT4P 0675.300MXEP 0673.400MXEP 0266005.V 0265004.V 0267004.V 162.7049.5102 0265.125V 0266.500V 0673.250MXEP 0676.160MXEP 0266.750V 0674.200DRT4P 0673.100DRT4P 0267007.V 0673.200DRT4P 0675.400MXEP 0676.400MXEP 026601.5V 0676.050MXEP 0265007.V 0267003.V 0676.200DRT4P 0676.400DRT4P 0265.375V 0266002.V 0265001.V 0272.700V 0672.200DRT4P 0677.400DRT4P 0273002.V 0673.300DRT4P 026702.5V 0674.400DRT4P 0266.125V 0265015.V 0676.080DRT4P 026602.5V 0265.500V 0265003.V 0AGX025.VP 0676.250MXEP 0293830.T 0295070.H 0283120.T 0294120.H 0293525.T 0AGU035.T 0293565.H 0295100.H 0675.300DRT4P 0PAL430.X 0295050.H 0294080.T 0AGU010.T 0295050.U 0AGA030.VP 0295120.H 0293020.T 0AGC007.V 0283030.H 0294080.U 0294040.T 0294120.HXJ-C 0283040.U 0674.200MXEP 0283050.U 0295030.T 0295080.T 0293830.U 0SFE006.VP 0293040.T 0295050.T 0AGA010.VP 0295040.T 0672.300MXEP 0295080.U 0674.300MXEP 0293575.U 0295060.T 0293830.H 0283100.T 0PAL530.X 0283080.T 0674.100MXEP 0295100.U 0PAL525.X 0PAL250.X 0PAL2100X 0672.100MXEP 0PAL270.X 0293530.T 0283030.U 0295120.U 0283120.U 0293565.T 0294070.U 0295060.U 0295030.H 0293020.U 0293840.U 0294100.T 0293050.U 0672.400MXEP 0283030.T 0295060.H 0283070.U 0294030.T 0AGU015.T ZCAS225.XP 0PAL240.X 0283060.U 0PAL130.X 0672.300DRT4P 0283080.H 0293545.H 0294050.T