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9456050000 8543880000 8463580000 8581220000 8516560000 8447170000 8581210000 8432160000 1701243000 1877950000 8540230000 8447020000 8526590000 8463590000 8523400000 1057720000 8523410000 1701232000 1968220000 8543730000 1784650000 1784570000 1784660000 1897680000 1784610000 1784680000 1784690000 1784700000 8540270000 9457260000 1791463400 8432090000 9456880000 1848050000 1894380000 8447340000 1868350000 9456460000 1828710000 1861560000 8560730000 1849700000 1847950000 1828640000 1861580000 1848080000 1791460900 8461470000 1859110000 1847970000 9455090000 1892100005 9456760002 1845870000 1847920000 1861540000 1892100000 1752080050 1851750000 1812170000 1766791000 1784670000 8581170000 1784500000 1865310000 1847940000 1845860000 1814990000 9456010001 8528660000 1892090000 1851770000 1861570000 1848030000 1789190000 1847930000 1782680000 1845840000 1791450400 8545830000 1872460000 1813290000 1851740000 8526600000 1795470000 8540320000 1845850000 1784510000 1847560000 1760040000 9456000001 1868370000 1791450600 1760041000 1705920000 1791461400 1791460400 1861550000 1848060000 1851760000 8445050000 1791453400 1859130000 1859140000 1740193000 1861590000 1791452800 1848020000 1831020000 1828720000 1791451400 8560710000 1760051000 1791462800 1828650000 1804600000 1872440000 8545840000 1849690000 1800000000 1848070000 1799960000 1791462500 1892080005 9456010000 1868360000 1847980000 8447250000 1845880000 8444960000 1791462000 1740191000 1724754000 1848010000 1791450900 9456000000 1807640000 9456020000 8513330000 1847990000 1783460000 1848000000 9456740000 1828630000 1816610000 1849670000 1766801000 1752080000 1705931000 1784600000 1784580000 8540290000 8280350000 1896050000 1784630000 1784590000 1896040000 1896000000 1705933000 1265920000 1784640000 7940010235 1265930000 1070640000 1760061000 1070650000 7940011588 1807641000 7940011716 1784620000 1070660000 1896090000 1265940000 1784770000 1701242000 1705923000 1724750050 1896070000 1701233000 1701252000 8432240000 1701241000 1828620000 1804540000 1782750000 8283810001 1705922000 8447050000 8445010000 8447140000 8432280000 8447310000 8432220000 1701231000 8540300000 8432190000 1724753000 8540200000 8447380000 8540310000 8461490000 8540250000 1782740000 1782760000 9456750002 8432180000 1828660000 1705942000 1724752000 9457540000 8432130000 1705932000 1806010000 8447280000 8447220000 1795900000 1783500000 1892080000 8411190000 1849680000 1828700000 8581180000 9456600000 1267330000 7940011520 1767880000 9456190002 8473000000 1828680000 8425720000 8432300000 1828730000 8560700000 8432150000 8444950000 9456940000 8581230000 8540190000 1070630000 1828670000